Saturday, March 8, 2008

Saturday 03/08/2008

21-15-9 reps of:
DB Burpees (basically, a burpee with the DBs at your side. Without the jump)
DB Hang Squat Clean
DB Push Press
DB Renegade Row
Double Unders

Olympic Weightlifting
1. Snatch
35/1 x 9
37/1 x 3
38/1 x 2
39/1 x 4

2. Clean and Jerk (C&J)
35/1+1 x 4
40/1+1 x 4
45/1+1 x 4
50/1+1 x 4
52/1+1 x 1
53/1+1 x 1
54/1+1 x 1
55/1+1 x 1C/0J
55/1+1 x 4

3. Front Squat
55/2 x 2
63/2 x 1
65/2 x 2
73/2 x 1
75/1 x 1

It's good to be back!

"Only the mediocre are always at their best."
- Jean Giraudoux

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