Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday 02/13/2008

Try this full-body exercise guaranteed to give you a kick in the seat of the pants...
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

Once you're done laughing, here's the real WOD:
21-15-9 reps of:
BB Overhead Squats (65#)
Record your time when finished

Rest 3 minutes

15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
BB Overhead Squats (65#)
Record your time when finished

Note: Try to beat your time on the second round. I'm proud to announce that we all did just that this morning!

Olympic Weightlifting
1. Snatch
35/1 x 5
37/1 x 2
38/1 x 2
39/1 x 3
40/1 x 3

2. Clean and Jerk (C&J)
45/1+1 x 5
48/1+1 x 4
50/1+1 x 6

3. Front Squat
50/2 x 2
60/2 x 2
64/2 x 2
68/1 x 2
72.5/1 x 1

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