WOD: Charge
KB Swings (24 kg)
Air Squats
Ring Rows
WOD: Kettlebell
8 x 8:
KB 3-Level Swing
KB Burpee (tricep pushup + high pull)
KB Goblet Squat
KB Chest Press
"Rord" on a running clock, do:
100 Bodyweight Back Squats (I used 135#)
Every minute do:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
Note: Set countdown timer or use timing partner. Start the clock and start cranking out your back squats. At the minute set the bar down, and get on the pull-up bar then push-ups. As soon as you are done with the push-ups, get back to the squats. Do not re-set the clock, just get as many back squats in as you can in the remaining minute. This workout gets old very fast...that minute seems like 20 seconds. Scale weight if necessary. You can thank Rob for this one - his version had 10 pull-ups, so modify if you want.
Total minutes needed: 17
A CrossFit vacation? Who would've thought? And no, I'm not talking about my roadtripping endeavors where I hit up affiliate after affiliate...
If you're really into CrossFit and would love nothing better than to spend a week in the company of Robb Wolf, Mark Rippetoe, and Jeff Tucker, check out this dream vacation.
While I suppose it's a reasonable and perhaps ingenious proposition, the announcement of this certification vacation, coming in the wake of the recent increase in affiliation fees (USD 2k/year, up from USD 1k and previously USD 500), and the already costly price of certifications, seems to point towards an increased interest in profit and money-making on the part of CrossFit. What do you think?
Stomach Issues, Meat and Eczema | THRR204
5 days ago
2008? (Check your titles).
I'd be all over that CF dream vacation if I didn't already have my barbell certification. That sounds like a great week!
Hey there!
I have been following ur blog for quite sometime and am truely impressed with what you have been doing. Crossfit!
It's equally expensive down here in australia. Therefore have yet to find the money and time to go for it.
- Jodie
Fred -- Thanks for the correction! I always make this error at the beginning of the year! Takes a while for time to catch up with me... haha. The CF vacation sounds pretty cool but I'll be back in Singapore by then. And I've already got the gymnastics cert too! Oh and obviously I have no money. Hahaha.
Jodie -- Thanks for stopping by! :) Yeah, I'm definitely making the most of the time I have in the US to do as many Crossfitty things as I possibly can. There're a growing number of affiliates Down Under now, which is really cool! I really like Australia. Do you work out at an affiliate?
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